Friday, October 11, 2013

Turn-Around Poem

1. I used to like nuthatch, 
    but now i prefer to like kittens. 

2. I used to share my problems to a close friend, 
    but now I prefer to keep it to myself. 

3. I used to submit my projects late, 
    but now I prefer to submit it on time. 

4. I used to listen pop-rock music, 
    but now I prefer mellow ones. 

5. I used to hate my brother, 
    but now I want to love him every second of my life. 

6. I used to read pocketbooks,
     but  now I prefer e-book. 

7. I used to collect Filipino love stories,
    but  now I prefer love stories of Korean.

8. I used to drink liquor,
    but  now I prefer juice.

9. I used to like anatomy,
    but  now I prefer chemistry. 

10. I used to eat strawberry, 
       but  now I prefer grapes. 

11. I used to shop on mall, 
      but  now I prefer online shopping. 

12. I used to wear skirts, 
      but  now I prefer jeans. 

13. I used to play games on my phone, 
      but  now I prefer online games. 

14. I used to surf on Facebook,
      but  now I prefer Twitter. 

15. I used to upload pictures in Facebook,
      but  now I prefer Instagram. 

16. I used to eat meat, 
      but  now I prefer vegetables. 

17. I used to eat white rice, 
      but  now I prefer brown rice.

18. I used to listen to radio,
      but  now I prefer Walkman.

19. I used to read magazines, 
      but  now I prefer newspaper.

20. I used to ride on a bicycle,
       but  now I prefer motorcycle.

21. I used to play violin, 
      but  now I prefer viola. 

22. I used to stay at home, 
       but  now I prefer to go to school. 

23. I used to cry,
       but  now I prefer to smile. 

24. I used to drink wine,
      but  now I prefer tequila. 

25. I used to watch comedy scenes, 
       but  now I prefer love scenes.

  26. I used to watch cartoons, 
       but  now I prefer anime. 

27. I used to be naughty, 
       but  now I prefer to be nice. 

28. I used to pray once a week, 
       but  now I prefer everyday. 

29. I used to take herbal medicines,
       but  now I prefer scientific medicines. 

30. I used to wake up late in the morning, 
       but  now I prefer to wake up early. 

31. I used to turn off the light at night, 
      but  now I prefer to turn it on. 

32. I used to eat in Jollibee, 
       but  now I prefer MacDonald. 

33. I used to like blue, 
      but  now I prefer pink. 

34. I used to wear sandals, 
       but  now I prefer rubber shoes.

35. I used to dance valley, 
       but  now I prefer dance sport. 

36. I used to chew candy, 
       but  now I prefer chocolate.

37. I used to eat chicken adobo,
       but  now I prefer chicken fillet.

38. I used to like purple,
       but  now I prefer yellow green.

39. I used to send a mail,
       but  now I prefer texting.

40. I used to run as fast as I can,
       but  now I prefer to walk.

41. I used to spent everyday,
      but  now I prefer to save.

42. I used to buy foods,
       but  now I prefer to cook.

43. I used to drink coffee,
       but  now I prefer tea.

44. I used to make a call,
       but  now I prefer video call.

45. I used to washed my clothes,
       but  now I prefer to deliver it to laundry shop. 

 46. I used to work at night,
       but  now I prefer at day.

47. I used to play table tennis,
       but  now I prefer lone tennis.

48. I used to wrote a song,
       but  now I prefer poem.

49. I used to bake cookies,
       but  now I prefer cake.

50. I used to use beauty soap,
       but  now I prefer skin germ protection.

Students Outputs

 3. Ma. Johnmil Cejo

 7. Jessica Pasion

 8. Bon Jeson Fernandez 

 10. Vince Warren J. Barbosa 

 11. Richard Opiaza 

13. Diana Jane L. Aniversario

14. Mark Anthony M. Dameg

Thursday, October 10, 2013

╢« Short Story of Mine »╢

          Long time ago in the far away land called ''Frozen Thrown'', there was a two nations, the one is called sentinel and the other one is scourge. Every nations have a king, Zeus king of the sentinel, Lich the king of scourge.The both kings hate each other because of their different agendas. Zues want peace in the both country with unity but Lich want to control everything in the land of Frozen Thrown, he want to be the only king so Zeus decided to fight for his country.

          After five years of war between sentinel and scourge the both kings didn't want to stop. Zeus try to have a democratic agreement to Lich but he ignore the offer and the battle between sentinel and scourge continues. In that year also the kings meet a group of warriors. Zeus meets Drawven sniper assassin, Aleria the wind runner, Centaur the warchief  warrior, Troll the war lord, Railai the crystal maiden. every one of them has an special powers or skills and their are so powerful. In other side Lich meets Traxex the drow ranger, Slardar the sithreen guard, Murloc the night crawler, Nicrolight the Routen'Jere, Slithice the naga siren. Like of the warriors of Zeus their also have a special skills ang its also powerful, so Lich declared a big and powerful kind of war.

          At first Zeus try to approach Lich to have a last democratic agreement but again and again Lich reject the offer. Lich start to attack the nation of sentinel so that Zeus forced to defend his country and fight for the sake of his nation. He sent his soldiers together with the five guardians.

          At the first day of battle the warriors of Zeus meets the warriors of Lich at the river of bones ( they called it river of bones because the river have a thousands of bones of soldiers died on war of two countries ). Drawven sniper find his place to assasinate the enemies, Aleria and Railai place behinde of troll and centaur , they rule is to assist and protect the tankers ( troll & centaur ).

          In the other side Traxex release her arrows to the enemies, while Slardar, naga and murloc faced troll and centaur, with the support of nicrolight. Centaur smashed Slardar, but Slardar stop it by his spear and Slardar used his spell to centaur and centaur was in danger because his sealed in the water ball and he cant breath, so Railai help him through her power to make ice by water, and Centaur escaped, after he escaped he used his specia power, and that is increase movement speed, attack speed and strength. Slardar was shock about it and because of that Railai take the opportunity to disabled slardar using the an froze bit and Centaur smashed Slardar with his full power. He want to escaped but he cant. Nicrolight try to save Slardar but its to late, Slardar was was died. Murloc see what happen because of hat Murloc release his power to attract centaur but troll stopped him, troll used his ability to become invincible and to make a hallucination so that troll was doomed  and he is in the critical condition, murloc attack centaur faster than he can but centaur smash the ground and its result of an earth quakes, Murloc didn't stop and he slice the leg of Centaur. Centaur shout with anger, and Murloc try to cut centaurs head but drawven shot him and he got an head shot so that he died. By that one shot traxex sight him and traxex shot him a frozen arrow that can parlays drawven. Naga sight centaur and weak she grab the opportunity and she kill centaur by putting her spear on the heart of centaur, and centaur died. Naga's used her ability to make clones by her image. Railai felt something and its unexplanatory feelings becase in front of her centaur died and she did nothing and centaur is her best friend, she cant move but her speritual power increases to the extreme level. Naga ignore that and she continues to attack railai, and when she was closed she saw that Railai looking at her and Naga fell that she cant move because of the ice in her body, and Railai release her super power to naga. The water forms a cloud in the air above of  both them every body look over them, Railai shout with anger and water above them turn to a rain of giant reverse pyramids in that scene naga died, but in that cse Railai is so tired and she doesn't enough mana to fight.

          Aleria saw Raila in the center of the river and behind her she saw Traxex prepared and fearless pointing Railai of an frozen arrow, aleria block the arrow and with matching greetings, "Hi! there my damn sister?", Aleria said. " oh its you my bastard sister", Traxex replied. Traxex attack Aleria by a thousands of arrow or arrow shower, Aleria used her special skill, the wind run. Traxex was amaze and she cant believe that Aleria was stronger than her, then Aleria couter attack, she throw a giant arrow then Traxex try to defend her self but its so powerful and very fast even though its big arrow its more faster than the ordinary arrow. Aleria go in were Traxex laid, Aleria ask her, " why you abandon me? and killed our relatives?" I want to become stronger than others in our family and also they killed our parent and you didn't know it, most of all I want you to become Dependent and to become stronger than me and someday you will kill me with your full strength that is my dream before I left you on that orphanage. My dream was going to be come true and I am so happy about it, but please forgive me about the things that I've done in the past, hope you understand me my beloved sister. " Traxex said, and she died. I cant understand you. Why, I want more reasons but for you my sister I will revenge I will kill Lich king,

          Nicrolight fell that they going to lode , so he decided to go back and tell to the Lich king that they are in danger, so they must be ready for that. Railai brought Troll, Drawven and the body of Centaur to the camp and heal them except centaur. Then Aleria together of other soldiers they proceed to the scourge to defeat Lich king, but before that happen Lich king escaped together with Nicrolight and they never seen again.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Contrast Poem

I am not a money so you cannot pay for food
I am not a money so I cannot buy you anything
I am not a money so you cannot withdraw me
I am not a money so you cannot deposit me
I am not a money so I cannot satisfied you

I am not a handkerchief so I cannot wipe sweat
I am not a handkerchief so I cannot wipe tears
I am not a handcarechip so I cannot comfort you
I am not a handkerchief so you cannot cry with
I am not a handkerchief so you cannot carry me

I am not a medicine so I cannot re-leave pain
I am not a medicine so I cannot heal wounds
I am not a medicine so I cannot extend life
I am not a medicine so I cannot cure diseases
I am not a medicine so you cannot feel better

I am not a music so I cannot entertain you
I am not a music so I cannot understand feelings
I am not a music so you cannot sing me
I am not a music so you cannot listen me
I am not a music so you cannot revive me

I am not a teacher so you cannot listen to me
I am not a teacher so you cannot obey me
I am not a teacher so I cannot correct mistake
I am not a teacher so I cannot teach
I am not a teacher so I cannot punished

I am not a tree so I cannot shed you
I am not a tree so I cannot give fruit
I am not a tree so you cannot sleep under me
I am not a tree so you cannot climb my trunks
I am not a tree so you cannot play under

I am not a computer so you cannot research
I am not a computer so you cannot play games
I am not a computer so I cannot give answer
I am not a computer so I cannot give meaning
I am not a computer so I cannot give definition

I am not a alarm clock so I cannot woke you up
I am not a alarm clock so I cannot remind time
I am not a alarm clock so you cannot manage me
I am not a alarm clock so you cannot set me
I am not a alarm clock so you cannot watch time

I am not a candy so you cannot leak me
I am not a candy so I cannot be sweet
I am not a candy so you cannot buy me
I am not a candy so you cannot taste me
I am not a candy so you cannot eat me

I am not a blanket so you cannot feel warm
I am not a blanket so you cannot cry under me
I am not a blanket so I cannot cover you
I am not a blanket so I cannot avoid cold
I am not a blanket so I cannot avoid insect bites

I am not a pillow so you cannot hug me
I am not a pillow so you cannot cry to me
I am not a pillow so you cannot sleep to me
I am not a pillow so you cannot punch me
I am not a pillow so you cannot smash me

I am not a paper so you cannot scratch me
I am not a paper so you cannot write on me
I am not a paper so you cannot crumbled me
I am not a paper so you cannot throw me
I am not a paper so you cannot cut me

I am not a food so you cannot sell me
I am not a food so you cannot taste me
I am not a food so I cannot feed you
I am not a food so I cannot satisfied you
I am not a food so I cannot give energy

I am not a book so I cannot give meanings
I am not a book so I cannot give definitions
I am not a book so you cannot search topic
I am not a book so you cannot read me
I am not a book so you cannot understand me

I am not a dog so you cannot teach me
I am not a dog so you cannot play with me
I am not a dog so we cannot be friends
I am not a dog so I cannot guard you
I am not a dog so I cannot understand you

I am not a rat so you cannot set traps
I am not a rat so you cannot hate me
I am not a rat so you cannot kill me
I am not a rat so I cannot harm you
I am not a rat so I cannot be a pest
I am not a guiny so you cannot be amaze
I am not a guiny so you cannot be a powerful
I am not a guiny so I cannot grant wishes
I am not a guiny so I cannot follow comands
I am not a guiny so I cannot give anythings

I am not a pencil so I cannot write history
I am not a pencil so I cannot make future
I am not a pencil so I cannot draw image
I am not a pencil so I cannot erase things
I am not a pencil so you cannot sharpen me

I am not a car so I cannot take you everywhere
I am not a car so I cannot bond with  you
I am not a car so you cannot repair me
I am not a car so you cannot ride me
I am not a car so you cannot have joy rides

I am not a USB so you cannot recall the past
I am not a USB so I cannot save files
I am not a USB so I cannot save videos
I am not a USB so I cannot save musics
I am not a USB so I cannot save pictures

  I am not a math so you cannot solve me,
I am not a math so you cannot analyze me,
I am not a math so I cannot give you an answer,
I am not a math so you cannot calculate me,
I am not a math so you cannot add me.

  I am not a stuff toy so you cannot hug me,
I am not a stuff toy so you cannot kiss me,
I am not a stuff toy so I cannot comfort you,
I am not a stuff toy so you cannot love me,
I am not a stuff toy so you cannot be with me.

  I am not a tree so you cannot cut me,
I am not a tree so you cannot sell me,
I am not a tree so you cannot innovate me,
I am not a tree so you cannot buy me,
I am not a tree so you cannot use me.

  I am not a coffee so you cannot mix me,
I am not a coffee so you cannot drink me,
I am not a coffee so you cannot innovate me,
I am not a coffee so you cannot taste me,
I am not a coffee so you cannot sell me. 

   I am not a money so you cannot spent me,
I am not a money so you cannot save me,
I am not a money so you cannot exchange me,
I am not a money so you cannot give me to a charity,
I am not a money so you cannot use me.

  I am not a YouTube so you cannot search me,
I am not a YouTube so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a YouTube so you cannot watch me,
I am not a YouTube so I cannot make you updated,
I am not a YouTube so you cannot unlike me. 

  I am not a milk so you cannot drink me,
I am not a milk so you cannot taste me,
I am not a milk so you cannot sell me,
I am not a milk so you cannot innovate me,
I am not a milk so you cannot mix me.

 I am not a criminal so I cannot harm you,
I am not a criminal so you cannot suspected me,
I am not a criminal so I cannot kill you,
I am not a criminal so you cannot judge me,
I am not a criminal so I cannot take you away.

  I am not your enemy so you cannot hate me,
I am not your enemy so you cannot back stab me,
I am not your enemy so you cannot judge me,
I am not your enemy so you cannot make fun of me,
I am not your enemy so you cannot cast a spell on me.

  I am not a fruit so you cannot bite me,
I am not a fruit so you cannot eat me,
I am not a fruit so you cannot sell me,
I am not a fruit so you cannot taste me,
I am not a fruit so you cannot display me.

   I am not a computer so you cannot shift me,
I am not a computer so I cannot give you information,
I am not a computer so you cannot control me,
I am not a computer so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a computer so you cannot access an information on me.

  I am not a shoes so you cannot sell me,
I am not a shoes so you cannot step on me,
I am not a shoes so I cannot take you,
I am not a shoes so you cannot use me,
I am not a shoes so you cannot wear me.

  I am not your wife so I cannot give you a child,
I am not your wife so you cannot love me,
I am not your wife so I cannot take care of you,
I am not your wife so you cannot hurt me, 
I am not your wife so I cannot love you back.

  I am not a dog so you cannot feed me,
I am not a dog so you cannot throw me anywhere,
I am not a dog so I cannot be with you,
I am not a dog so you cannot play me,
I am not a dog so you cannot command me.

  I am not a music so you cannot grove with me,
I am not a music so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a music so you cannot adjust me,
I am not a music so I cannot beat with you,
I am not a you cannot tune me.

  I am not a water so you cannot drink me,
I am not a water so I cannot sustain your thirst,
I am not a water so you cannot waste me,
I am not a water so I cannot make you wet,
I am not a water so you cannot boil me.

   I am not a robot so you cannot control me,
I am not a robot so you cannot reformat me,
I am not a robot so you cannot command me,
I am not a robot so you cannot change me,
I am not a robot so you cannot operate me. 

  I am not a bottle so you cannot sell me,
I am not a bottle so you cannot throw me,
I am not a bottle so you cannot buy me,
I am not a bottle so you cannot break me,
I am not a bottle so you cannot recycle me.

  I am not a toy so you cannot play me,
I am not a toy so you cannot disassemble me,
I am not a toy so you cannot throw me,
I am not a toy so you cannot operate me,
I am not a toy so you cannot give me to others.

  I am not a battery you cannot change me, 
I am not a battery you cannot  buy me,
I am not a battery you cannot  use me,
I am not a battery you cannot  sell  me,
I am not a battery you cannot  charge me.

  I am not a child so you cannot monitor me,
I am not a child so I cannot be with you always,
I am not a child so you cannot force me,
I am not a child so I cannot play with you,
I am not a child so you cannot giggle on me. 

  I am not a test paper so you cannot answer me,
I am not a test paper so you cannot encircle me,
I am not a test paper so you cannot underline me,
I am not a test paper so you cannot pass me,
I am not a test paper so you cannot tear me.

  I am not a ring so you cannot wear me,
I am not a ring so you cannot re-size me, 
I am not a ring so I cannot say yes to you, ,
I am not a ring so you cannot return me,
I am not a ring so you cannot buy me.

  I am not a doll so you cannot display me,
I am not a doll so you cannot innovate me,
I am not a doll so you cannot style me,
I am not a doll so you cannot disassemble me,
I am not a doll so you cannot collect me.

  I am not a puppet so you cannot control me,
I am not a puppet so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a puppet so you cannot command me,
I am not a puppet so I cannot give you wealth,
I am not a puppet so you cannot paint me.

  I am not a game so you cannot lose me,
I am not a game so you cannot risk me,
I am not a game so you cannot play me,
I am not a game so you cannot use me as a hobby,
I am not a game so you cannot win me.

 I am not a Bluetooth so you cannot connect with me,
I am not a Bluetooth so you cannot on me,
I am not a Bluetooth so I cannot accept you,
I am not a Bluetooth so you cannot off me,
I am not a Bluetooth so you cannot share me.

I am not a bag so you cannot carry me, 
I am not a bag so you cannot put me,
I am not a bag so you cannot buy me,
I am not a bag so you cannot sell me,
I am not a bag so you cannot stock me.

 I am not your girlfriend so you cannot kiss me, 
I am not your girlfriend so you cannot slap me,
I am not your girlfriend so you cannot be with me,
I am not your girlfriend so you cannot hug me,
I am not your girlfriend so you cannot punch me.

 I am not a clock so you cannot set me, 
I am not a clock so I cannot update you,
I am not a clock so you cannot resit me,
I am not a clock so I cannot inform you,
I am not a clock so you cannot look at me.